Canopy Formation

analyse your flight, understand what happened and why.
Adjust your remembrance with reality, compare with your video.
All in one app.

advanced cloud based flight analysis.

detailed GPS tracks, complete flight analysis, cloud-based logbook
– all inside one dashboard-app

know where to go:
ultimate altitude and location
awareness. anytime.

regardless which sports you’re in, it’s important to have
detailed and accurate information about your performance

tools for skydivers

about CRWDgs

Perfect performance
requires perfect tools 

People at CRWDgs are committed skydivers - always looking for the perfect way to reach our goals.
The instruments we use have to meet same standards: precise, easy to read and offering the information we need most – in any situation.
CRWDgs measuring and locating devices offer these properties at all times. Reliable and accurate. From skydivers for skydivers.


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OpenSource: join the team

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OpenSource: join the team

Jumplogger started as an open source project on

This is the third generation hardware with much extended capabilities. 
With software we can add more features and functionality.
Come on and join the team!

In addition to a powerful ublox neo M8N GPS device, JumpLogger features an extreme precice BMP388 baromnetric sensor and the versatile accelerometer ADXL345 attached to the ESP32 - a perfect basis for complex computations and features!

Jumplogger started as an open source project on

We're currently in the third generation hardware with much extended capabilities.
Software adds more features and functionality.
Come in and join the team!


Contact Form


an open source project of 3BOTS 3D Engineering GmbH

Contact Phone Number

+49 30 5770 7300

Our Email Address


Our Location

12207 Berlin

Pre-Order shut off.

Buy Now

COVID-19 has shut down large parts of the world economy in 2020.
This led to rippling effects on the supply chain of semiconductors used everywhere from cars to gaming consoles.
After all, this turned into an intense, global shortage of silicon chips, and almost everything is affected.
 Unfortunately, we use the exact same chips in our tracking devices:
MEMS barometers, microcontrollers, GPS modules - so we're also severely affected by this shortage.

We have, however, been able to start producing in small batches.
2024: JumpLogger V1.5 is sold out.

JumpLogger V1.5

Please note that we require a deposit of 100€
after confirmation to keep you on the list